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Looks Matter
EPD's and indexes are powerful tools that can propel a herd towards success; however, there is no substitute for old fashioned visual observation. One method of visual appraisal is to break down the animal into three categories: skeletal, muscular and fat.

Skeletal Observation
The framework of cattle is important for all facets of the cattle industry. Even if you are producing offspring for terminal production you will need to focus on proper skeletal conformation for optimal production efficiency.
Starting from the ground up, feet and legs. Understanding where your herd is at with feet and leg conformation will allow you to choose more wise breeding pairs to correct feet and leg issues. Getting an annual foot and leg score will allow you to see the progression of your herd over time and make any changes to your breeding selection.

Muscular Observation
Muscle is where the money is! No matter what area of cattle production you are in, we all need to be focused on the end goal of cattle production, MEAT!